Post by chatterbox on Aug 14, 2008 17:36:49 GMT -5
What is really going on? Hillary supporters will NOW have an opportunity to vote for her. Y? We have a nominee...well so I thought! Obama is compromising TOO much with this damn lady! He is beginning to make me upset! A Jesse Jackson comment comes to mind.
Anyone have a better handle on what this is about and how does this agreement to allow Hillary's name to be placed on a ballot at the convention, benefit Obama and his win for presidency?
Post by Worthy Most Ancient Matron on Aug 14, 2008 20:57:37 GMT -5
I was wondering about that too. It doesn't make sense to me. I LOVE Obama but I too feel like he compromises too much.
Post by 123Diva on Aug 15, 2008 8:56:01 GMT -5
Pure tomfoolery is what this is.
Post by 123Diva on Aug 15, 2008 9:42:54 GMT -5
If Obama fell down and knocked his head real hard and decided to choose Sen. Clinton as VP, I would be soooo through. I'm telling you.
This right here is NOT a good look and I know the man is very intelligent and is probably doing it for what he perceives to be a good reason, but it is not a reason that i am able to see right now.
Post by pinkngreen06 on Aug 15, 2008 10:39:30 GMT -5
Plus if he did win it would essentially give him ZERO credibility since Bill will be all in the middle of shit.
Post by Robelite on Aug 15, 2008 11:29:10 GMT -5
While all the ass-kissing of Hildegard is getting on my nerves to no end, the senator from Illinois is doing this for expediency's sake, and that is a smart move. That is why HE is the DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE for President of the United States of America.
Trust me brothers and sisters...Obama's campaign crew are the smartest, the sharpest, the most cunning and the most efficiently-run campaign in the last 40 years of American politics. Their mindset is...give Hildegard her few minutes in the spotlight, make her feel good, then tell her to get the hell on with her day!
I've said it before...Hildegard can't afford to show her pant-suit wearin' ass too much in Denver if she relishes ANY kind of future in politics for herself. Remember, she can still go back to the NY senate, and maybe even have a place in Obama's cabinet. BUT...if she and those shrill-screaming harpies who support her (men as well as women) even think about pulling the rug from under this nomination...that heffa won't be able to run for hot dog vendor on Broadway!
She's desperate, she's miserable and she's suffering some serious remorse for her own failings during her campaign....BUT SHE AIN'T A FOOL...at least not a major one!!
Post by water on Aug 15, 2008 12:06:07 GMT -5
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