Post by water on Feb 21, 2008 11:05:11 GMT -5
A Sister who went through the VALLEYA lot of times I hear people do what I call yelling across the fence well within the bounds of safety taunting the neighborhood dog just shy of him getting yanked back by his chain. Yah it's really something to sound off about something if you feel passionate about it, well it really bugs me for people to be so passionate about things that don't really affect them personally. Let me ask you have you been raped? have you? Well I have and guess what I was faced with the horrible decision about what I should do. I remember just like yesterday going to the doctor at 4 months and a few days into my pregnancy and the doctor was a Christian and he actually talked me out of abortion not even knowing the situation, this man was led by God to simply explain to me the horrible procedure that abortion was to the mother and the unborn child. Yes it is a child and not a choice. I left that office in a daze and unsure of my future and what to do, having no money not knowing who the father was because of the assault I was a pregnant teenager blinded by tears walking down the lonely corridors of a German hospital (yes I lived in Europe). It was at that moment that my baby kicked for the first time and let me know that she was alive and wanted me to know it, through all those tears I actually smiled. I went home and started my long journey through pregnancy and teen motherhood, it was difficult and my life has not been easy. That was 14 years ago and my miracle child was born. Strangely enough I found out later on that this child has been the best thing that has ever happened to me, I look at her everyday and listen to her silly jokes and musings and wonder how she would have looked all shredded in a trash bin as an aborted fetus and thank God she wasn't one? It was prophesied that she would be a prophet and mighty woman of God when she was just a toddler and from the age of 3 she has been a peculiar child, with astonishing faith and words of wisdom from God. She gave prophetic words and utterances when she was barely in Kindergarten. I am now grooming her for ministry work. I am so glad that God sent his ministering angels to stay the hand of death away from me and my child. How she came to be is of no consequence, it is not her fault and I do not blame her, therefore she does not deserve punishment. To each his own but I thought it would only be fair that someone with a real personal life experience should have a say about this topic. It makes little sense to me that folks are so angry and demand that women should be able to go off and kill a child without another thought, these women should at least be put in contact with women like myself who have been through this, have weathered the storm, have raised a child from an experience such as this and have lived to tell about it. Romans 8:28 "All things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose" The devil meant it for bad but God did a divine reversal and turned it around and turned my mourning into dancing. My child and I have victory in Jesus. With God's help I finished college many times with her in a stroller on my hip or in her carrier or sitting beside me through classes and lectures, now she wants to be a veterinarian I guess going to college for 8 years with mommy will do that to ya. To God be the glory for the things that he has done for us www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFbI6a3tlPk
Post by Nupey on Feb 21, 2008 11:09:02 GMT -5
I have many Opinions on this subject man...
Post by 123Diva on Feb 21, 2008 11:30:36 GMT -5
A good book to read is 'Atonement Child'. I think the author is Francine Rivers.
<---is not a fan of abortion, however... <---is human enough to know that I'm not sure what I would actually do if I was a pregnant victim of rape
Post by Cambist on Feb 22, 2008 9:50:54 GMT -5
The thought of an elected termination of a pregnancy without physiologial cause disturbs me. Seriously.
Sadly, I've been to the clinics on more than on occasion. I've attempted to console broken hearts of young (and I do mean young) ladies who have chosen to terminate a pregnancy. This is not an easy procedure to deal with emotionally. For many, it will be a long term source of emotional pain.
Should a pregnancy cause by rape be considered justification for abortion? This is a question that must be determined by the individual according to her own conscience and in consideration of her own religious beliefs.
Unless this woman is carrying my child, I don't feel the need to get involved in this decision.
Post by water on Feb 22, 2008 10:50:33 GMT -5
www.blackgenocide.org/black.html13 million dead since 1973 from aids NO -from cancer NO- from black on black crime NO - ... 13 million dead from abortion COUNTDOWN TO EXTINCTION
Post by water on Feb 22, 2008 10:54:16 GMT -5
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide? We are the only minority in America that is on the decline in population. If the current trend continues, by 2038 the black vote will be insignificant. Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?Margaret Sanger, The KKK and Black Genocide www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn3obkVsDcwwww.blackgenocide.org/black.html
Post by water on Feb 22, 2008 11:12:25 GMT -5
"The Negro constitutes half the poor of the nation. Like all poor, Negro and white, they have many unwanted children. This is a cruel evil they urgently need to control. There is scarcely anything more tragic in human life than a child who is not wanted. That which should be a blessing becomes a curse for parent and child. There is nothing inherent in the Negro mentality which creates this condition. Their poverty causes it. When Negroes have been able to ascend economically, statistics reveal they plan their families with even greater care than whites. Negroes of higher economic and educational status actually have fewer children than white families in the same circumstances.
Some commentators point out that with present birth rates it will not be long before Negroes are a majority in many of the major cities of the nation. As a consequence, they can be expected to take political control, and many people are apprehensive at this prospect. Negroes do not seek political control by this means. They seek only what they are entitled to and do not wish for domination purchased at the cost of human misery. Negroes were once bred by slave owners to be sold as merchandise. They do not welcome any solution which involves population breeding as a weapon. They are instinctively sympathetic to all who offer methods that will improve their lives and offer them fair opportunity to develop and advance as all other people in our society". Dr. Martin Luther King www.plannedparenthood.org/about-us/who-we-are/the-reverend-martin-luther-king-jr.htmSenator Obama on Planned parenthood www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUl99id2SvM
Post by water on Feb 22, 2008 16:16:11 GMT -5
Ezekiel 34:11-13 " For the Lord YHVH says this, 'I am going to look after My Flock Myself ... As a Shepherd keeps all his flock in view when he stands up in the middle of his scattered sheep, so shall I keep My sheep in view. I shall rescue them from wherever they have been scattered ... I shall bring them out of the countries where they are; I shall gather them together from foreign countries and bring them back to their own Land. I shall pasture them on the mountains of Israel ... in every inhabited place in the Land. I shall feed them in good pasturage ... I Myself will pasture My sheep. I Myself will show them where to rest - it is the Lord YHVH Who speaks - I shall look for the lost one, bring back the stray, bandage the wounded and make the weak strong ... I shall be a True Shepherd unto them."
Post by water on Feb 22, 2008 16:16:55 GMT -5
John 10:11 "I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd is One Who lays down His Life for His sheep ... (verse) I lay down My Life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from Me ... as it is in My Power to lay it down, so it is in My Power to take it up again."
Post by GorgeousNgreen on Feb 22, 2008 20:52:24 GMT -5
Post by water on Feb 22, 2008 21:14:32 GMT -5
Post by water on Feb 22, 2008 21:20:42 GMT -5
Faye Wattleton, First African-American President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America The future and strength of the race is for women to be able to have kids when they want them and to love and provide them with the tools they'll need to get through a hostile world. The image of the black woman bearing child upon child against her will is the real threat to the race. against her will? threat to what RACE? Planned Parenthood Federation of America honored her with its Margaret Sanger Award
Post by water on Feb 23, 2008 4:30:06 GMT -5
"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Margaret Sanger's December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble,
Post by water on Feb 23, 2008 5:07:49 GMT -5
Post by Bunny Hop on Feb 23, 2008 11:52:56 GMT -5
Post by water on Feb 23, 2008 12:29:34 GMT -5
All aborted babies are pro life.
Post by denounced on Feb 23, 2008 12:59:34 GMT -5
Just outside an abortion clinic today and what did I see. An abortion clinic a decent neighborhood. But the two security guard were black, and everyone women coming in and out of the clinic were Black. But I wonder what race the doctor was, I wonder how many black abortion doctors exist in ratio to white doctors. I wonder how many of the nurses are white compared to black. I believe the only equal ratio exists among the pro-abortion crowd.
Post by water on Feb 23, 2008 13:43:14 GMT -5
could you imagine what the doctors deal with after killing all those babies.
Post by water on Feb 24, 2008 9:15:38 GMT -5
A Sister who went through the VALLEY chapter 2
The testimony you just read was my story that I posted on the Black Church Web Page. My Brother Phil asked if it was all right to post and it I say it is more than ok, I say shout it from the roof tops brother Phil tell one tell all. What the devil meant to destroy me has only empowered me to impact God’s people in a unique way. Abortion is evil and no matter how a child is conceived we must remember it is not the childs fault! Nearly 13 million black children have been slaughtered by abortion since 1973! (And that’s just the black children) That is more than the Holocaust and all of the wars put together, yet the nation is ready to burn Micheal Vick on the stake for the way he treated some dogs! America, hear me…. Have we lowered our standards so far that animals have more rights than children? Of course what he did was wrong unconscionable even but his maltreatment of violent dogs made front page news, while the abortion industry which conveniently has parked itself in mostly urban and impoverished low wage working African American neighborhoods, are literally getting away with murder. They give their clinics guilt free names like “planned parenthood”. The bible says that my people perish for lack of knowledge… well the lack of knowledge is that the founder of planned parenthood Mararet Sanger had this to say about African Americans. “It is a vicious cycle; ignorance breeds poverty and poverty breeds ignorance. There is only one cure for both, and that is to stop breeding these things. Stop bringing to birth children whose inheritance cannot be one of health or intelligence. Stop bringing into the world children whose parents cannot provide for them.” (Those were Margaret Sangers actual words) Currently African Americans make up about 13.4% of the population yet we make up about 49% of all new AIDS cases and 36% of all abortions. Then we even out the rest by shooting each other smoking our brains out with crack and other drugs, going to jail and other ridiculous traps set by the enemy. I have said this many times and I will say it again. The devil is lazy, he has no new tricks just new packaging and new people to perpetrate. All he did was give us the rope, we as a people are hanging ourselves this time. For this new generation of African Americans I am really afraid, they have completely lost their way, they have thrown away their moral compass, what morals they did have are long gone, they are not thinking about the future just the here and now. The abortion mills are modern day trees to lynch us we just haven’t figured it out yet. We as a people galvanized over the Jena 6 but how about the United states nearly 1300 Black children who die everyday at the hands of greedy abortion clinics. Who is marching for their little lives. Just like Brother Phil said I have been through the valley I have seen the flood, my flood was my own tears. I was talked about mistreated and called everything but a child of God, but one thing I would not do was, allow another victim be made out of my situation. Today I am the proud strong black mother of a strong black soon to be woman of value, courage and virtue. I encourage all of my sisters out there who feel like they are backed into a corner by an unplanned pregnancy to give God a chance to work your situation out for you, there is nothing to hard for him. My favorite saying is actually a mixture of a song and a quote from a book. It goes like this. “Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal, there is no pit so deep that God is not deeper still”. I said this to myself many a day when I thought I couldn’t take another step, and there are days when I still think it’s to hard but I look at my child and I realize that I don’t have time to gaze at my past and glance at my future but I must change my perspective. I have got to gaze at my future and only glance at my past, and that glance is only to remind me of where I have been so that I don’t go back. I send my Agape love and peace to all!
Minister K.Wheeler
Post by denounced on Feb 24, 2008 10:57:01 GMT -5
Maragret Sanger's plan, while dead is working like a well-oiled machine. With all this talk about black pride, black firsts, etc., one would think that this plan wold have been dead a long time ago. But it's the very elite's ignorance that continues to breed death. The whole purpose of POPULATION CONTROL was to rid the population (specifically among non-white races) of undesirables. Has this been achieved? NO! How do I know, because it's the same dumb elitists who complain about poor conditions for our people, the numbers of men in jail, on drugs, etc., (well wasn't abortion/birth control) supposed to put an end to that? Well it didn't, but you don't hear the educated blacks complaining about abortion, but everything else.
Post by GorgeousNgreen on Feb 24, 2008 13:35:02 GMT -5
my mother was recruited and offered a big position with planned parenthood here, started at 90k, she turned it down.
<----mammy is pro-life.
Post by Nupey on Feb 25, 2008 10:20:11 GMT -5
I'm prolife/pro-choice....
I believe if any one is givin a Choice in the matter it should be the MAN AND THE WOMAN, If not both, then nobody should get a choice
Post by Sapphire on Feb 28, 2008 1:39:21 GMT -5
Random thought... They had some story on MSNBC not too long ago that talked about the change in demographics for who's getting abortions. It said that more older women are getting them not so much young HS girls anymore.
Post by water on Feb 29, 2008 15:50:58 GMT -5
A sister who went through the VALLEY part 3
While I was a student at VCU I picked up two minor focus areas with my major in Health Science and they are Psychology and Religious studies. I chose these because I am nosy by nature and an analyst by design. I was literally born with a question mark on my face I wanted to know why things were the way they were and why people did what they did. Nothing happens just because and when God has his hand on your life he begins to direct you to places and allow you to see things that you normally would never have encountered or bothered to see. Since Science was my major I had no reason to pick up religious studies or psychology but my thirst to know could not would not be quenched from just reading a book. Sooo why the long history, let me tell you. Throughout my life of 34 loooooong years I have practiced Wicca, Voodoo, Yoga, Eastern meditation and some African garbage that didn't have a name. It is God's Grace and the prayer's of my parent's my family and friends that I am alive and saved today and in the ministry. I have stared death in the face more than once, I have been dead or shall I say near dead several times. I have been raped, kidnapped and a whole host of things that make me uniquely qualified to comment on this subject and others. However I wasn't able to comment with any wisdom until I actually took some classes because I didn't know what I was actually talking about or at least I wasn't making a lot of sense to most folks! Kundalini, you have already read about the sexual nature of it however the article didn't tell you the worst. Yes, for those of you that were waiting for the other shoe to drop, incline your ear because here goes. Boom! From what I have been told by some practitioners and have seen in video's this is some stuff you really really don't want to play with why? Well the masters are said to be able to have hours long orgasms or several in a row, and those are the men! don't laugh yet or even chuckle because if you get this burst of energy and are unprepared you could get into a lot of trouble. I was a medic in the Army and am a volunteer in the rescue squad now, and I know that a male suffering from an erection for more than a few hours is considered to be having a medical emergency why? Potential complications include ischemia, clotting of the blood retained in the penis (thrombosis), and damage to the blood vessels of the penis which may result in an impaired erectile function or impotence. In serious cases, the ischemia may result in gangrene, which could necessitate penis removal.(wikipedia) The treatment involves draining blood from the corpus cavernosum (go look it up guys). Besides any man that can do those things without the help of those little blue pills is dealing in the demonic because it is not natural. Man was meant to do what he do and that's it (I'm going to leave it at that). When I got into my religious studies I began to really see how they began to hide this stuff and the philosophy into everything, There was a movie called the "Fifth element" I loved that movie until a few years ago. Now think about it. Earth, Wind and fire is a strange name for a group isn't it. Here is why. Wicca which I told you I dabbled in, pays homage to the "Guardians" as they call them when casting spells and they are : Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. So it looks like Earth Wind and fire had three down and one to go hmmmm. The words to the song was a dead give away and a sure sign for any real believer to run and don't look back. You called it right brother, just crank out some gospel and do some sit ups and push ups to that! Now back to the movie I mentioned I was always curious as to what this mysterious fifth element was, well that is when we just happened to be studying Yoga and Eastern mysticism in my religious studies courses at VCU and Kundalini came up and Tantric sex and boy oh boy you'd be surprised how many college students are into this mess. They were only too proud to tell everybody what they had been up to and how that movie had cleverly hidden the meaning, to them orgasmic energy is the most powerful energy in the universe. If you spend some time on the internet, you will find whole belief systems that will tell you that! I was floored, the Devil had found yet another way to get man to send himself to hell. It wasn't music, nor greed but his flesh and the lust of it once again just a little more subtle because it wasn't flashy and out in the open you had to be really into this to figure it out. You can go to Yoga classes for years sometimes before getting to this level or being exposed to this, and when you do, you find yourself at a crossroads because you have already put so much time and effort into it. It reminds me of a husband and wife who had a karate studio and when they realized what it was based upon they tearfully closed it, they first tried to christianize it but you can't spray perfume on a trash heap, it is what it is. God will never turn a blind eye and the bible says "my people perish for lack of knowledge". Brother I am glad you posted this question, few people would bother to even ask because they think oh it's harmless just like Halloween and Harry Potter. I hate to say it but a lot of things that the body of Christ is passing of as harmless is what is shooting holes in our testimonies and slowly killing us especially our children. Just say no to: Skinemax (Cinemax) Sinnernet (pornography laden internet sites) Hellivision (Television channels such as FX and shows like Nip Tuck) Hellephone (If you are gossiping hang up)