On January 1st of this year i went to go feed my dog and change her sheets in her doghouse when i noticed she could barely walk and was very skinny. When i looked into her dog house i noticed all her food i been giving her for past week she was hiding inside and it was rotting. She could barely walk so i picked my best friend up and ran frantically into the house and told my mother. We tried to feed her but she wouldn't eat. My mom wanted to take her to vet the following day but i begged to take her the emergency vet. The ride to the vet was longest 30 mins of my life holding my dog in that backseat. We was looking straight into each others eyes and it looked like she was crying. It felt that i failed her as her owner and friend. We went to the ER they said she had severe kidney failure and 20% chance of living. They asked if they wanted us to put her down or to wait a day to see how things go. We decided to let them run more tests and do their best to save her.
I prayed and prayed that night not to take her away from me. I put so much faith in God that i tried not to worry about it. I said it was in God's hands and he will take care of it and not let her die.
At work next morning my mom called me and told me my dog passed.
So no I don't believe in miracles or prayer or anything.
I'm so sorry that you feel that way huey.
I know that this might come as a chock to you, but maybe it was your dog's time to go. When it is any loved one's time, it is just their time.
I want to share mine.
Two weeks ago, I found a lump in my right breast. Those who know me personally know how serious this is because cancer runs deep in my family. Two cousins died last year and my mother survived both throat AND breast cancer.
I prayed on it, and prayed on it, then put it in God's hands.
This past Sunday at church, I went to the alter for prayer, because there are other things in my life that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and tired of being sick of it. My pastor prayed for me and with me.
Then she touched my breast.
I INSTANTLY fell to my knees. It felt like someone was pulling something out of my chest. I cried like never before, I cried because it didn't hurt, but in my heart and soul I knew something miraculous had just happened.
And it did.
The lump that was in my breast, that lump that was causing me worry and fear, that lump in which I decided that would no LONGER keep me bound.................................
was GONE.
I have never cried like I cried this Sunday. I cried out THANK YOU JESUS! Because that lump was gone!
My faith and trust in Him has grown stronger like never before.